Kids Projects

Carnivore or Sweet Tooth

The Objective : The project is on the species Musca domestica, (more commonly known as the housefly), and I am testing to see which product will attract the most houseflies: meat, sugar water, or plain water. My hypothesis was that the houseflies would be attracted to the meat more than the plain water or sugar water.


Approximately 100 Musca domestica (housefly) pupae were placed in a large clear plastic container. This was connected via tubes to three other plastic containers.

The containers had either hamburger meat, sugar water solution, or plain water in them. At regular intervals the number of flies in each container was counted.


My hypothesis was that the houseflies would be attracted to the meat more than the plain water or sugar water. My result was meat: 49%, plain water: 8%, and sugar water; 43%.


I proved my hypothesis because more houseflies visited the meat container than the sugar water or plain water containers. If houseflies only entered containers at random, I would expect them to go in evenly (33 percent), but this did not happen. If only boy houseflies liked sugar water, and only girl houseflies liked meat, I would expect that they would go into the containers equally, but more houseflies went into the meat container.

The project is on the species Musca domestica (the housefly), and I am testing to see which product will attract the most houseflies: meat, sugar water, or plain water.

Science Fair Project done By Gwendolyn S. Jones



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